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About us


It was back in 1967, when the Bruschi family gave life to a dream called Alfa Lum. From a reality as small as San Marino, the great will as well as the craftsmanship that transformed a modest company with just 40 employees into a colossus with the alternation of over 7,000 collaborators in just fifty years was astounding. An unthinkable success, just like the patents that enabled Alfa Lum to rise rapidly. 

In fact, the company distinguished itself by being the first in Italy to introduce aluminium flyscreens, a revolutionary concept for the window and door industry at the time. Imagine also the 1980 patent for aluminium-wood frames, which consolidated Alfa Lum's monopoly in Italy, or even the innovative possibility of painting the aluminium itself. These avant-garde solutions were just unthinkable at the time. 
Professionalism combined with innovative genius has always been distinctive at Alfa Lum. The headquarters soon adapted to market demand, using a monumental 15,000 square metre facility, with 240 showrooms and guaranteeing a production of more than 4,000 fraames per day. 


In 1984, Alfa Lum was already a reference name in its sector, and with Mike Bruschi's succession in ownership, new investments followed: collaborations and expansions such as those of Beta Color, Alfa Solare, Top Glass and Alluminio Sammarinese were born. From a small country like San Marino, the doors of Europe now opened wide, and with them, new opportunities throught strategic acquisitions. Etnall spa, acquired in 1988, became the aluminium distributor for the Brush Service spa group, another company set up in Spain to spread the various Alfa Lum patents among Spanish craftsmen. 

This natural growth developed over 30 years of dedication, collaboration and a pinch of courage: Alfa Lum invested its profits in marketing, making its first appearance on national channels and offering sponsorships in cycling and football.  


Now in the new millennium, San Marino found itself on a financial 'black list' and faced an economic crisis.
This complicated Alfa Lum's path, forcing it for the first time to sell rather than acquire. Some key pawns within the company changed, and volumes also changed, but the heart remained true to the art of window frames. 

So here we are in the more recent history of the present day, which sees Alfa Lum writing a new page under the leadership of the new CEO, Dr Francesco Russo, and a now historical figure like Mike Bruschi. The new leadership firmly focuses on PVC as the main material and selects the best partners not only for distribution but also for production. Despite a downsizing in volumes, Alfa Lum continues to be a synonym for guarantee and quality on the modern international stage, collaborating with prestigious brands and working on far-reaching projects. 

The genius that has characterised Alfa Lum throughout its history continues to propel the company towards new patents and unexplored solutions in the world of windows and doors. 
next: Our values